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The Consequences of Seeking Validation from Others: Steps to Find Validation from Within

Updated: Jan 30

people pleasing

Section 1: The Urge for External Validation

1.1 The Human Need for Recognition

Seeking validation is rooted in the universal human need for recognition, acknowledgment, and affirmation from others.

1.2 When Validation Becomes a Crutch

Excessive reliance on external validation can lead to a detrimental cycle where one's self-worth is constantly contingent on others' opinions and approval.

Section 2: Consequences of Excessive Validation-Seeking

2.1 Emotional Rollercoaster

Relying on external validation makes emotions vulnerable to the unpredictable responses of others, leading to a rollercoaster of highs and lows.

2.2 Compromised Self-Identity

Continuous validation-seeking may erode a clear sense of self, as individuals adapt to external expectations rather than embracing their authentic selves.

2.3 Strained Relationships

Constantly seeking validation can strain relationships, as the focus on external affirmation may overshadow genuine connection and understanding.

2.4 Vulnerability to Manipulation

Those who excessively seek validation may become susceptible to manipulation, as others can exploit this need for approval.

Section 3: The Therapy Journal App for Cultivating Self-Validation

3.1 A Digital Sanctuary for Reflection

The Therapy Journal app provides a secure and private space for individuals to explore and reflect on their need for validation, fostering self-awareness.

3.2 Features Tailored for Self-Validation

  • Guided Reflection Prompts: Access prompts within the app designed to guide reflection on self-worth, identity, and the impact of external validation.

  • Affirmation Tracking: Utilize the app to track and reinforce positive affirmations, fostering self-validation and confidence.

  • Goal Setting for Personal Growth: Collaboratively set goals within the app to work towards building a healthier sense of self and reducing dependence on external validation.

3.3 How the App Enhances Self-Validation

  • Structured Self-Reflection: The app provides a structured framework for individuals to reflect on their validation-seeking behaviors, aiding in understanding and growth.

  • Privacy and Security: With built-in privacy features, the app ensures the confidentiality of personal reflections, creating a safe space for vulnerability and self-exploration.

Section 4: Tips for Cultivating Self-Validation with the Therapy Journal App

4.1 Establish Regular Journaling Sessions

Incorporate regular journaling sessions within the app into your routine, creating a consistent practice for self-reflection and affirmation.

4.2 Explore Guided Prompts

Take advantage of the app's guided prompts to explore specific aspects of self-identity, validation-seeking, and building self-validation.

4.3 Collaboratively Set Personal Growth Goals

Work collaboratively with the app to set goals for cultivating self-validation, fostering a proactive approach to personal well-being.


Breaking free from the cycle of excessive validation-seeking is a journey toward a more grounded and authentic self. The Therapy Journal app serves as a digital companion, offering a structured and supportive space for self-reflection, affirmation, and the cultivation of self-validation. Download the Therapy Journal app here and embark on a path toward a healthier, more resilient sense of self.

Helpful Tips for Insights:

Seeking validation from others is the desire to have our actions, thoughts, and feelings approved or accepted by others. While it is natural to want to be liked and accepted by others, constantly seeking validation from others can have negative consequences for mental health.

Here are some of the ways in which seeking validation from others can affect mental health:

  • Low self-esteem: Constantly seeking validation from others can lead to low self-esteem, as we become overly reliant on external sources of validation rather than finding it within ourselves.

  • Dependency on others: Seeking validation from others can lead to a dependency on others for our sense of self-worth, which can make us vulnerable to being manipulated or exploited.

  • Difficulty making decisions: Seeking validation from others can make it difficult to make decisions, as we may be overly concerned with what others will think or how they will react.

If you find that you are constantly seeking validation from others, there are steps you can take to find validation within:

  • Practice self-acceptance: Instead of seeking validation from others, try to practice self-acceptance by acknowledging and accepting your own strengths and weaknesses.

  • Set personal goals: Setting and achieving personal goals can help you to find a sense of accomplishment and validation within yourself.

  • Seek support: If you are struggling with low self-esteem or a dependency on others for validation, it may be helpful to seek the support of a mental health professional. They can help you to develop strategies for finding validation within.

Seeking validation from others is a natural desire, but constantly seeking validation from others can have negative consequences for mental health. By practicing self-acceptance, setting personal goals, and seeking support when needed, it is possible to find validation within and improve overall well-being.


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